Gambling And Spiritual Awakening

Posted : admin On 4/12/2022
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  1. A spiritual awakening is an ongoing process whereby a person becomes aware of their connection to the infinite, and becomes mindful of their spiritual nature. As spirits, we are eternal in nature. However, when we are born into these bodies, many of us “forget” our spiritual nature.
  2. Would that America experienced a great spiritual awakening as pervasive over the culture as wagering has become – a movement of God so powerful that government embraced Christianity like it has gambling – as a trusted friend and not an enemy – a movement so profound that our houses of worship were overflowing with congregants who took.
  1. Gambling And Spirituality
  2. Gambling Spirituality
  3. Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Prayers
  4. Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Definition
  5. Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Spiritual
  6. Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Quotes

This appears very similar on the surface to bliss states of spiritual awakening, the demonstration of siddhi powers, kundalini activation, third eye activation, resting in Clear Light, and so forth. That’s not to say that people with bipolar disorder can’t awaken spiritually. Would that America experienced a great spiritual awakening as pervasive over the culture as wagering has become – a movement of God so powerful that government embraced Christianity like it has gambling – as a trusted friend and not an enemy – a movement so profound that our houses of worship were overflowing with congregants who took their faith as seriously as the compulsive gambler does his next bet.

Updated 2020.04.26

What is soul growth?

Soul growth is the evolution of a person's Spirit on the journey from fear to love. It is the soul's upward journey to enlightenment and the reason we are all here.

When you are radiating more and more in love, acceptance, and peace, you'll know that your soul is growing.

Some authors find that the soul growth journey happens in age-wise stages.

Though I've discovered that soul growth moments can occur throughout one's lifetime, often outside of age-based steps, too.

If you are noticing some of the signs of spiritual transformation below, I suggest focusing on where things are going for greater expansion and happiness.

Gambling And Spirituality

Some of the causes of soul growth are life change experiences. These experiences create the feeling of a before and after moment, and major moves, or relationship changes.

The goal of developing your soul is to move to a place within yourself of love, peace, acceptance, compassion, and away from a place of worry, fear, concern, and trouble.

It is to move to a place of inner clarity and calm and honestly to a more synergistic and magical life.

A spiritual awakening is what happens in the period of heightened awareness right after a soul growth period.

The journey towards a place of clarity and truth in the soul is often marked with stepping stones and shifts in your overall state of inner being and external environment.

Then, this shift to inner clarity and peace brings increases in intuitive ability expression, and spiritual communication eases in.

If you have been developing, opening, and working on yourself and your spiritual journey, you may be wondering how to know if your soul is growing.

Well, there are signs your soul is expanding and evolving to its next level, meaning only more good things to come.

Below we go over just a few -

33 Signs Your Soul Is Growing


You're waking up earlier than usual in the mornings.


You see shadows and figures when you walk by or near a dimly lit room.


Activities seem to be happening much faster than usual to you - you are getting a sense that time is shifting.


Your physical body feels like you are vibrating, and you feel more energetic than average.


You're experiencing changes in your sinus system - nose, throat - as your clairaudience, an intuitive ability housed in the throat chakra, opens up.


You've seen flashes of light around you. These are signs clairvoyant abilities are opening.


You're having more vivid or symbolic dreams than usual.


You see repeating numbers everywhere on license plates, clocks, radio and more - 1:11, 2:22, 12:12, etc.


You're experiencing temporary ringing or buzzing in the ears, signs the energy is shifting around you.


Changes in your diet, such as eating more fruits and vegetables, signaling your body and Spirit may now require higher vibrational foods.


Feeling like you connecting more with kindred Spirits lately.


Noticing yourself feeling more calm or peaceful with circumstances that would previously have upset you more.


Feeling clearer, especially in the forehead or third eye area, a sign of your intuitive abilities expanding outward.


Start to notice more feelings of discomfort when around others who are speaking negatively - a sign your empathic skills are increasing.


Difficulty meshing in your current relationships with family, friends, and coworkers - a sign your energy is separating from those around you.


Feeling like you are in a protective bubble apart from physical situations around you.


Gambling and spiritual awakening spiritual

You have visions and dreams that signify stepping out of your body or stepping out of your old life.


You're noticing more synchronicity with regards to your social relationships and what comes up in your social atmosphere.


You're feeling a lot more emotionally free lately as you release and let go of old energies. A sign of thoughts and feelings you have been holding onto that previously prevented you from moving upward are releasing.

Gambling Spirituality


Feeling like you are in an altered state of consciousness suddenly, without the use of mood-altering plant medicine.


Complicated relationships begin to end painlessly, and improved relationships start to emerge.


Challenges are now handled with wiser and more insightful attitudes, even at the disbelief of others.


A new relationship with yourself begins to emerge. In essence, you have better feelings about yourself. You spend more time, energy, and effort focusing and catering on yourself.


Difficult thought patterns and behaviors begin to release, and feelings of love, gentleness, and compassion begin to emerge.


New abilities previously unavailable become available.

Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Prayers

You can sense things more efficiently, you have precognitive experiences; you have more awareness of The Spirit World, and flashes of old, forgotten memories start coming to the surface.


Your short term memory starts to go as you begin to live more fully in the present. In essence, you can't remember what happened this morning or two days ago, forget names, or things you meant to say.


Miracles begin to happen - a miracle saves you, things start happening at just the right time.

Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Definition


Manifestations start to happen much more frequently - you wish for something, and soon, evidence of its implementation appears faster.


Your ability to dance and move improves as your spiritual body starts to operate and coordinate within you more freely.


Start hearing a much broader range of sounds than before - higher and lower vibrational sounds are now heard in your field.


You start to lose things that you just had a minute ago and find things where you had previously looked - as Spirit begins to find a way of communicating with you.


You notice more vivid and brilliant colors now - such as in flowers, leaves, and the sky - another sign your clairvoyance is expanding.


You feel as though you can communicate, sense, and pick up on things that you couldn't before, new close connections to animals, people, plants, and crystals start emerging.

Have you recently noticed any of these signs of spiritual growth?

If you've noticed more than 10 of these signs lately, this means soul growth is actively happening, and you are in the middle of a soul shift or just coming through a soul growth level-up.

When this happens, chances are your life is going to start to feel more spiritually guided, and there are many benefits to leading a spiritually guided life, I discuss a few here: 14 Benefits Of Living A Spiritually Guided Life.

As with all changes, know those soul growth integrations and the understanding they bring can process slowly. So give yourself time to allow the healing to unfold and your new state of being to settle in.

After a soul growth period, the Spirit awakens, and new preferences often emerge.

Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Spiritual

Meaning, don't be surprised if a soul growth period invites changes.

Major soul shifts tend to happen every 2-3 years or more frequently, usually following a major life change. So things do eventually stabilize before the next level of spiritual consciousness unfolds.

Your soul is now growing, expanding, and reaching in the direction of love, healing, and abundance; now, it is only going to get more magical from here on out.

Finally, when your soul grows, one of the benefits is that your soul begins to speak to you more clearly what it wants.

For how to know what the soul wants, check out this post: How To Know When Something Is Right For You.

Gambling And Spiritual Awakening Quotes

For more on spiritual growth and evolution, read on in the links below -

Amanda Linette Meder

The above list was inspired and adapted from a handout provided by Dianne Thomas at The Pink Dolphin.

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